One of the key elements to success in any endeavor is be determined and CONSISTENT with our efforts. We will review practical keys, as well as examples from the Bible on how to do this. There are 3 elements to accomplishing a goal: Step 1 is to write down what you want to accomplish Step […]
Take time to Pray
Prayer is powerful! In this teaching we will look at: The importance of prayer The types of prayer in the Bible Getting peaceful when we pray Asking a fellow believer to pray with you Having confidence in God to bring our prayers to pass Let’s begin in I Thessalonians: I Thessalonians 5:17 – Pray without […]
Power in Your Confession
Our words are powerful. They literally have the ability to carry us forward to success or to hold us back and prevent us from seeing the blessings that God wants for our lives. This subject is referred to as “The synchronized life” and deals with how our believing and our actions are lined up with […]
Why do non-Christians prosper?
You are a good person. You treat people well, obey the rules, you give to your Church regularly, and even selflessly volunteer your time for the benefit of others. Yet even though you are a “good Christian” and seem to do everything right, you can’t seem to get ahead. You look around and it seems […]
Showing Love in The Church
We will be looking at what it means to show love to one another in the household of Faith. Galatians 6 contains the theme verse for this subject: Galatians 6:10 – As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. The three […]
Edifying our Families
We will be looking at the power we have as we edify one another in our families. It is a great privilege and responsibility that we have been given – To edify, bless, and take care of our families – Both our physical family and our spiritual family which is the body of Christ. We […]
Power to Prosper Spiritually
Power to Prosper Spiritually This teaching will help us see how to prosper in our spiritual lives. In order to understand and appreciate the awesomeness of what we have today we need to get some background on why this subject is so important. Let’s start from the beginning: Genesis 2:7 (16,17,22) Man was formed, made, […]
Our Power in Being Thankful
We have the power to be thankful in everything that we do. During this time of year we are especially reminded of this truth. Thanksgiving Day in the United States is intended to be an annual day of thanks for the blessings of the past year, observed on the fourth Thursday in November. We gather […]
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